Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And Now There Are Four

Well, seeing as I have not posted in eight months, you'd think I would have something to talk about. Life has been totally insane, and while I am sure nobody even checks to see if I have posted anything anymore, I am going to put it out there anyway.

After and long and grueling pregnancy (did I ever mention how I despise being pregnant?), we have added a lovely little lady to our tiny family. Libby made her appearance in late January and has been running the house ever since. She has been adamantly against sleeping on her own, and despite my insistence that I have a nursery because I would not be cosleeping with this baby, guess where she is? Yes, my bed. And I am not too sad about it. After a brief (two month) struggle to get her to sleep by herself, sleeping in the living room and waking up every 1 1/2 hours (max), I finally caved and took her to bed with me one night. We woke up seven hours later when my alarm clock went off telling me it was time to get ready for work. I had not slept seven hours straight since months before she was born. It was beautiful! She will now sleep a lovely 10 hours straight, with a feeding at about 4am. And I was against cosleeping... why? Oh, I remember! Because in a few months I will be relentlessly kicked in the head, face, back, stomach, legs, etc, by a flailing infant. It was the same way with Peanut. I have no reason to believe this young lady, as dainty as she is, will sleep quietly. Oh yeah, plus I miss my husband, who sleeps on the couch or in Peanut's room most nights because he is afraid of squashing the baby, or something. I must admit, however, that cosleeping is an extremely effective form of birth control...

Well, Peanut loves his little sister. She smiles at him when he is dancing around like a crazy man and he loves to just look at her. He always wants to be next to her. He is not overtly jealous, but to my extreme dismay, he has fallen into a phase where he either cries or screams at me when he does not get his way. He routinely melts down and I am at a loss for what to do. My once well behaved young man has become one of "those" kids I cannot stand. He is still my little angel somewhere in there, and remembers his manners most of the time, but sometimes the demon comes out and it breaks my heart. I, the mommy who did not have to endure the terrible twos or threes, or anything of the sort, have found myself with a terrible four. In actuality he is not even particularly terrible, but we are talking about the boy who's first words were please and thank you. I have found myself giving more time-outs than I thought possible. Have I ruined my son by having another child? I hope not, seeing as there is not much I can do about it.

Alas, the princess is calling for her afternoon snack, so further thoughts will have to wait... 'til next time!


Renee said...

Your Family is gorgeous!

PBandJ said...

Thank you! Yours too!